Vector Economics

Risk Consolidation and Communication Grid

Curing the Flaw of Averages

All the content related to Probability Management are hosted on

You may access the Probability Center application and forecast data from the dashboard.

Vector Connector for Excel, XLSim, XLTree and XLForecast are available for download.

The following tools are not available online. Please contact us if you need them:

  • Probability Center
  • DistShaper
  • Vector Economics Dashboard Builder Tools for Excel
  • DistXML tools
  • Stat Libraries (Mersenne Twister, Vector Rad, etc.)
  • Macro Economics DIST Explorer (Moodys data)
  • Markowitz Mean Variance Portfolio Model
  • BankROA (Return On Assets) simulator
  • Bank Stress Test Consolidation App
  • Contract Negotiation Demo
  • Forecast Aggregator

Legacy Content Circa 2014




  • US8463732: Storage of stochastic information in stochastic information systems
  • US8255332B1: Utilization and distribution of stochastic data


facebook page:

XLSim Interactive Mean Variance:

Stock Simulation:



Vector Connector for Excel:






xlsim for office 2016:


Risk Consolidation and Communication Grid

Streamline your risk management process and feel confident that you are exercising a consistent and comprehensive view of the portfolio risk

Application Areas

Economics Stress Testing -- Enterprise Risk Management -- Portfolio Analytics

Built on the Vector SDK

The Vector SDK supports the creation and deployment of analytic apps that deal with uncertainty.

It enables the curation, calculation and communication of uncertainty using Distribution Strings, or DISTs. The SDK is the technical foundation for the Analyst, Workgroup, and Enterprise Editions.

Excel Integration

Collaborate with team members and share data via Excel

Leverage the easy-to-use Interface, powerful graphics and reports and collaborate with team members and share data. The probability distribution functions are also available.

Vector Connector

Vector Connector Aggregates Your Data

Connect to your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in minutes. Manage uncertainty like you manage data.

Vector Connector Javascript SDK for Excel

Use our state of art connector SDK to build Vector applications inside Excel using web based technologies.

Analyst Edition (SAS)

Enterprise Edition (SAS)

Collaborate with colleagues and trading partners via the web for smarter, faster, safer decisions.

Private and public Project Workspaces

SaaS, managed service or hybrid deployments (deliver apps via SaaS while your data stays inside the firewall)

Script automation console for networking existing simulations

Integrated development environment for creating Vector Platform app

Web App Designer & Publisher (alpha)

High performance parallel processing (map reduce coming soon)

Stochastic optimizer (coming soon)

Analyst Edition with expanded functionality like:

Vector Connector for Windows with shared Project Workspaces

Publish distributable, self-contained Excel interactive simulations dashboards


Building products for the emerging field of Probability Management.

As the recent collapse on Wall Street shows, we are often ill-equipped to deal with uncertainty and risk. Yet every day we base our personal and business plans on uncertainties, whether they be next month's sales, next year's costs, or tomorrow's stock price. The Flaw of Averages typically results when someone plugs a single number into a spreadsheet to represent an uncertain future quantity. Vector Economics products cure the problem though a new technology that can pack thousands of numbers into a single spreadsheet cell.

Leadership Team

Leadership Team

Sam Savage

Chief Scientist

Kevin McDonald

Chief Executive Officer

Adam Karbasi

Chief Technology Officer

Investors and Advisors

Investors and Advisors

Joseph Grundfest

Professor, Stanford Law School and Former SEC Commissioner

Jack Russo

Founder, Computer Law Group

Harry Markowitz

1990 Nobel Prize in Economics, Foundations of Portfolio Theory

Scott Smith

Managing Partner of Viant Group

Dan Fylstra

President, Frontline Systems


Economic Data Partners

Integrated data sets, including macro, market, consumer, media, causal and more, to empower precision at scale.

Moody's Analytics

Macroeconomic Forecasts

Moody's Analytics provides forecast scenarios that are ready to fuel planning models and analytic apps linked to the Vector Economics platform. Select dozens of macroeconomic factors like GPD, Oil Prices, House Values, Interest Rate, Labor Rate, Vehicle Sale and many others. Safely blend in your in-house experts' judgment, augment with external factors, or generate your own scenarios while maintaining a coherent collection of distributions.


Commodities, forex & securities Forecasts

Gain access to data and research, analyze investments, and connect with investor intelligence.





James Mead, Portfolio Director

Vector Economics has developed unprecedented technology for aggregating risk and uncertainty. We learned things from it that we didn't even know that we didn't know.

Lockheed Martin

Philip A Fahringer

Vector Economics has enabled us to incorporate uncertainty around both external events and internal performance, with an ease that we didn't realize was possible; dramatically improving understanding and decision making.

Nobel Prize in Economics 1990

Harry Markowitz

Sam Savage's Distribution Strings represent a major breakthrough in the communication of risk and uncertainty. It significantly widens the practical applicability of sound theory in these fields.

Paul Kaplan

Director of Research, Morningstar Europe

The DIST is a significant advance in the representation of probability distributions. At Morningstar and Ibbotson, we have already begun to explore using it to enhance our capabilities in Monte Carlo simulation and portfolio optimization when return distributions are highly non-normal.